Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 36

Nursing research - Essay Example On the other hand, the hospital’s organizational culture should implement intervention measures that promoted a supportive environment to influence the research culture in the organization and ensure that staff members were positive towards the benefits of utilizing research in their practice. In every profession, challenges abound in the implementation of various practices. In nursing, there are difficulties that are associated with evidence-based safety practices. First,  nursing researchers engage in  safety practices without identifying the strength and type of evidence base. In addition, there is no specific and clear approach during the consideration of the context of the evidence base, which affects the prioritizing of patient safety initiatives. On the other hand, most hospitals lack sufficient and reliable data on safety, which challenges the reasons for an organization to commit to an evidence-based safety practice. Moreover, a one-time instructive education does not sufficiently address or bring change in practice, which implies that, a one-time education on a particular safety intervention is not sufficient since it requires many more instructive programs. Hence, an organization is affected by various safety intervention  needs  that require many instr uctive programs to be carried out, which is

Monday, October 28, 2019

United States Military Recruiting Practices Essay Example for Free

United States Military Recruiting Practices Essay US military navy is the largest in the world with a tonne greater that the next 17 largest combined. US Navy is managed by Department of Navy administration which is a division of the Department of defense. The nine components to the operating forces of the US Navy include Atlantic Fleet, Pacific Fleet, Naval Forces, Central Command, Naval Forces Europe, Naval Network, Naval Special Warfare Command, Navy Reserve, Warfare Command, Operational Test and Evaluation Forces and Military Sealift Command. Fleets in U. S Navy, act as force provider by training and maintaining naval unity. This is subsequently provided to the naval forces component of each Unified Combatant Command (Caton, 1988). The Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations are responsible for organizing, recruiting, training and equipping the Navy. Navy Operations are coordinated under the department of the Unified Combatant Commanders. In US military, the recruits are issued with recruiting Service Ribbon at the end of recruitment period. In US military Navy, all the navy Recruits who qualify receive recommendation letter from commanding officer before they are presented with the ribbon. The recruits to are presented with Recruiter badge which is a temporary decoration for Navy recruits and other star awards (Tanter, Selden and Shalom, 2000). The recruitment program in US is usually done annually. There have been cases of irregularities in the military recruitment and especially in the Navy. The US Navy has a record of recruiting thousands of US Navy personnel. The irregularities in US Navy recruitment have increased with 2004-2005 fiscal year recording the highest cases. Many recruiters became aggressive and threatened the D. O. D over the issue in 2005. This led to loss of trust of D. O. D to the public and recruiters. The cases were more than double the existing irregularity cases the time before. However, establishing the recruiters who contributed to the irregularities was hard and hence could not be proved. In the US Navy recruitment program, the recruit has to undergo medical tests which form as the first qualification before proceeding to any other stage. In this stage, the practice is carried out by an independent group, EMS, though the equipment is operated the military service since it’s the major recruiter in US. The results produced by the equipment are then analyzed by a medical doctor who can provide a waiver or suggest disqualification of the individuals based on the physical aspects. The same medical condition can receive different responses in relation to waiver and disqualification. This cannot be explained because it depends with the doctor and recruiter. There are usually permanent and temporary waivers and disqualifications. If one is disqualified permanently then that means that the individual is not medically fit for the recruitment process then or at any other time. This has raised a concern from individuals who receive permanent disqualification yet there is no appeal for that. The US navy recruiters are described as honest, committed and hardworking. However, within the circle there are some who twist the truth in order to sign up a recruit. The existence of recruiters who cheat in recruitment has been attributed greatly by the process by which a recruiter’s productivity is judged. The recruiters are judged by their seniors based on the number of recruits they sign up. Some recruiters who do not want to lose their job therefore are pressurized to adopt unethical practices t ‘make mission’. â€Å"Making mission† is signing up a minimum number of recruits as has been set by the policy. The signing up of unqualified military navy recruits has led to adverse effects in the military force. Violating the recruiting regulations attract heavy punishment if caught. The act of cheating by recruiters will hardly miss in any recruitment program unless the policy of productivity assessment is changed. It’s hard to curb the malpractice because there are usually no witnesses in the recruitment process supervising the individual recruiters hence it become â€Å"he said/I said† type of deal (Crompton, 1969). The issue of recruiters failing to tell the truth to their recruits has contributes to many downfalls evident in the recruitment program. The cost of recruiters failing to say the truth incurs a lot of cost on the government in the Department of Defense. Some of he wrong driving force mitigated by the recruiter. Some recruiters lie to the recruits of the terms and that they would be granted whatever position they apply for. This has led to disillusionment to those recruits who find the profession contrary to the expectation yet they have to serve for eight years. Most of those recruit lead miserable military years before the eight years end if they do not change their attitude (Crompton, 1969). Dishonesty form a main ethical challenge in US military recruiting practices especially the US Navy. The recruiters do not reveal about the risks involved in working as a military navy and the real opportunities available in the force. Hence some recruiters proceed with the process with the wrong expectations due to misrepresentation of some military navy recruiters. There are many cases which indicate the non-adherence to military ethics in the current US military Navy profession. One of those cases is evident in the Iraq war case that the American government had funded in fight against nuclear weapons in Iraq, the US nation despite the fact that the UN Agency had denied the move. According to the military ethics, the military personnel are supposed to adhere to integrity and transparency in their job mission. However, as its evident in the recruitment process carried out by US navy military recruits, its hard to measure integrity and to identify those recruiters who have not adhere to the ethics. The recruits who are taken up during annual recruitment process using the wrong criteria contribute greatly to the downfall of the military credibility and hence their long term goals. The long term goal of US military navy is to provide security to it citizens, to safeguard the borders including the resources. The US resources also include the water mammals and fish. The U. S navy are given training to become expert swimmers and peace restoring citizens are known worldwide of their expertise and their dedication to their state. Military navy officials are known to give up their priorities and pursue the country’s interest irrespective of their opinion about it. The U. S navy military personnel recruited during the recruitment period should become aware of their mission and objectives. The recruits are supposed to obey to whatever orders are given to them despite their opinion about the job to do.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How Power Corrupted the Pigs in Animal Farm by George Orwell :: Free Essay Writer

The satire Animal Farm by George Orwell expresses the idea of self-government through the animals. The animals play the role of humans, in this way using most, if not all, of the human characteristics. Because the animals decide that they want to run the farm by themselves, they make up a way of living called Animalism. The basic principles of Animalism are two, all animals are to be treated as equals, and no animals shall acquire any human traits or characteristics whatsoever. The seven commandments under which they live are based on these major principles. As soon as they develop a whole new system, they throw out all of the humans that run the farm. Even though they are supposed to be equal, the pigs begin to take control. By the end of the novel, the pigs have manipulated the rest of the animals into doing everything they want. The pigs then become almost exactly like the humans. The most important pigs are Napoleon and Snowball, that is until Napoleon throws Snowball from the farm. It is throughout this satire that Orwell illustrates how power corrupts by showing the pigs actions. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely is a concept widely understood after having read Orwell’s satire. It is first shown when the pigs take the milk and apples, explaining to the rest of the animals that everyone is equal, but some are just more â€Å"equal† than others. They also argue that the pigs do more thinking, and therefore need more energy to do so. It is in the latter part of the book, that the concept of corruption gradually earns its meaning. When Napoleon forces Snowball to leave the farm, the power is all his. Napoleon fixes anything that goes wrong on the farm simply by blaming Snowball. He insists that Snowball had always planned everything in order to harm the farm. Napoleon does not have a limit. The pigs break all seven commandments, some without notice, simply because power is addictive, and they constantly want more of it. It is never enough. These commandments are to be followed by all the animals living on the farm at all times. Included in these commandments is the sixth one which states that no animal shall kill any other animal. Napoleon breaks this commandment when he kills the chickens he says are against him and the farm’s ideals.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

John Steinbecks East of Eden - The Character of Adam Trask :: East Eden Essays

The Character of Adam Trask in East of Eden In Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, the word love is defined as a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love can bring two people together but it can also have a person be rejected by another because of love. In the novel East of Eden by John Steinbeck, the main character, Adam Trask, confronts a feeling of love throughout the whole book but he either rejects the love of people who care about him or has his love rejected by the people that he cares about. When Adam was a young man in the beginning of the novel, his father, Cyrus Trask loved him but Adam did not love him back and when Adam went into the army he did not come back home until his father's death. Later on in the story Adam really loved his wife, Cathy, but she didn't love him back and so when she tried to leave him and he would not let her, she shot him. Even though Adam survived he was demoralized for most of his life because he still loved her. Through Adam's ex periences of love in the novel, John Steinbeck shows that Adam Trask has an inability to handle love. When he first appears in the novel, Adam Trask is a young man who is not loved by his brother or mother but only by his father. Cyrus had punished Adam before and had tried to teach him to be a soldier and so Adam hated him for that and when Cyrus told him he loved him, Adam did not accept his love. Cyrus tells Adam, "I think you're a weakling who will never amount to a dog turd. Does that answer your question? I love you better. I always have. This may be a bad thing to tell you, but it's true. I love you better. Else why would I have given myself the trouble of hurting you?" (Steinbeck 28). Cyrus is telling Adam that he has always loved him and that the only reason that he punished him is because he loved him. He wants Adam to go into the army because he knows that Adam would be courageous and since Cyrus was in the army, he wants to pass on the legacy. When Adam came home from his discharge, his brother and him were talking about their father and Adam told him the truth.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Language Development in Exceptional Circumstances

â€Å"Ever since attempts have been made to describe and explain normal language development, references to exceptional circumstances have been made. † (Bishop & Mogford, 1988: v) Language development in exceptional circumstances refers to cases of child language acquisition which are considered as departing from the norm. In the following, five types of exceptional circumstances will be taken into account; that is: the case of neglected children, the case of hearing children brought-up by deaf parents, the case of bilingual children, the case of twins, and the case of children affected by Williams syndrome. This is by no means a full consideration of all existing exceptional circumstances for language development; rather it is a selection of the cases which I find most revealing to gain insight into normal language development. Indeed, in the light of the aforementioned exceptional circumstances, we will be able to draw understandings about language development in its unexceptional nature, such as its relationship to environmental factors (I) and to other cognitive devices (II). First of all, exceptional circumstances can provide important evidence relevant to the role played by the verbal environment in child language acquisition. Neglected children, hearing children brought-up by deaf parents, bilingual children, and twins, are all faced to a certain form of restricted verbal stimulation. For instance, Marie Mason (1942) reported a case that concerned a neglected child, Isabelle, who had been kept in seclusion with her deaf and mute mother because she was illegitimate. They spent their time in a dark room shut away from the family who had rejected them, and Isabelle was completely deprived of language until she gained her freedom at the age of 6. Children of deaf parents are also limited in their exposure to spoken language, although in the context of otherwise normal social, communicative and environmental stimulation. As for children who are brought-up bilingual and as twins, verbal stimulation is similarly impaired, the former because their exposure to one particular language is reduced ecause they must deal with two languages simultaneously, and the latter because one family’s linguistic resources are shared between two infants in the same developmental stage. Yet, just as Isabelle went on to develop normal language in only 18 months’ time after gaining her freedom (Skuse, 1988: 33), children of deaf parents, bilingual children, and twins, also develop normal language over time, albeit the adverse circumstances. This provides evid ence of resilience of language acquisition. Indeed, the fact that these children, despite such unfavourable circumstances, ultimately achieve linguistic proficiency (not unlike an ordinary child) tells us that children learn language despite a restricted language input, meaning that innate language abilities must have a substantial role in normal language acquisition. In this sense, exceptional circumstances indicate that the principles of language development advocated by behaviourists are quite inadequate to explain how the child develops language, and provides evidence in favour of Noam Chomsky’s theory of Universal Grammar. Conversely, however, exceptional circumstances do provide some evidence of the importance of the verbal environment for normal language development. For instance, Genie, another neglected child who was discovered at 13 years of age after having been locked in a small room and beaten by her father whenever she uttered a sound, never fully recovered from the deprivation of language in her early years. Although she is now 55 years-old, she never acquired true linguistic competence. This gives evidence for the existence of a time window during which external influences have a significant effect. Just as songbirds will learn to sing the appropriate song for their species only if they hear that song in the first few weeks of life, there is a critical period for the child to successfully develop language† (Bishop & Mogford, 1988: 252). This ‘critical period’ is set from birth to sometime between 5 and 7 years of age depending on the individual, which is why Isabelle –who was 6 when liberated– developed language readily, while Genie –who was 13– did not. Therefore, exceptional circumstances provide insight into a critical period for language development after which failed experiences in infancy cannot be compensated. Moreover, exceptional circumstances can also provide insight into the relationship between language and cognition. In this section, we shall consider the case of children affected by Williams syndrome. Williams syndrome is characterized by a sophisticated use of language with complex syntax and adult-like vocabulary in individuals who otherwise demonstrate no evidence of concrete operational behaviour on Piagetian tasks, and whose overall level of mental development is below that of a 7-year-old (Jones & Smith, 1988: 248). In other words, Williams syndrome children are mentally retarded, yet they demonstrate impressive lexical semantic abilities, complex expressive morphology and syntax, and good metalinguistic skills. For instance, three Williams syndrome adolescents were investigated: Van (age 11), Crystal (age 15), and Ben (age 16). Their full-scale IQ scores on traditional intelligence tests were: Van, 50; Crystal, 49; and Ben, 54. However, their scores on formal tests of language were higher than performance on non-language cognitive tasks (Bishop & Mogford, 1975: 182). This relative sparing of language in the face of other cognitive impairments is particularly revealing about the relationship between language and cognition in that it implies that there is dissociation between language and other cognitive functions. Similarly, it may be particularly striking that, in patients of global aphasia, which is a severe language disorder, other cognitive skills remain functioning, affirming that language faculty is indeed a separate domain (Saffran et al). Therefore, the exceptional case of Williams syndrome children, and the rather converse instance global aphasia, indicate that normal language development is not directly related to intelligence, hence why language is acquired rapidly and uniformly by all ‘normal’ children, irrespective of intelligence. In conclusion, language development in exceptional circumstances stands as a window into the analysis of normal language development. In the words of Gary Dell: â€Å"the inner workings of a highly complex system are often revealed by the way in which the system breaks down† (Baars, 1992: 5). Indeed, throughout this essay, the study of exceptional circumstances has provided us with evidence that, although language input has an important role in language development, it may be limited, given the Poverty of Stimulus argument. The study of exceptional circumstances has also evidenced the existence of a critical period for language development and made the issociation between language and other cognitive functions clearer. Nonetheless, one must bear in mind that a more in-depth study of exceptional circumstances, for instance one that would take into account infantile autism or Down syndrome children, would certainly provide us with further information about the components of normal language development. Unfortunately, given the time limitations for the realization of this essay, these aspects will be left for o thers to analyse.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

AP Chemistry Syllabus What Does It Cover

AP Chemistry Syllabus What Does It Cover SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What does an AP Chemistry syllabus look like? How many labs do you have to do? And what skills are you expected to learn before the test? In this article, I'll take an in-depth look at the components of a successful AP Chemistry syllabus, including content coverage, lab work, and overall curriculum requirements. I'll also give an example of a full syllabus (based on a sample from the College Board) and provide some helpful tips for both students and teachers! What Does the AP Chemistry Course Cover? AP Chemistry is a wide-ranging course. The curriculum is divided into six "Big Ideas," or major themes, that encompass long lists of smaller topics. I'll list the Big Ideas along with the smaller themes within them that the College Board calls "Enduring Understandings." These are actually broken down further into pieces of "Essential Knowledge," which (for the sake of keeping this article to a reasonable length) are not included here. There are also seven Scientific Practices that students are expected to master in the course, which I'll list after the Big Ideas. This is a part of the new inquiry-based model of AP science courses that encourages independent thinking. Finally, there are some overarching Curricular Requirements that every AP Chemistry class must fulfill, which I'll go over after the Scientific Practices. For the full course description with even more details, consult this link! The 6 Big Ideas of AP Chemistry The Big Ideas are the fundamental concepts every AP Chemistry syllabus must cover. Big Idea 1: The chemical elements are fundamental building materials of matter, and all matter can be understood in terms of arrangement of atoms. These atoms retain their identities in chemical reactions. Enduring Understanding 1.A: All matter is made of atoms. There are a limited number of types of atoms; these are the elements. EU 1.B: The atoms of each element have unique structures arising from interactions between electrons and nuclei. EU 1.C: Elements display periodicity in their properties when the elements are organized according to increasing atomic number. Periodicity is a useful principle for understanding properties and predicting trends in properties. EU 1.D: Atoms are so small that they are difficult to study directly; atomic models are constructed to explain experimental data on collections of atoms. EU 1.E: Atoms are conserved in physical and chemical processes. Big Idea 2: Chemical and physical properties of materials can be explained by the structure and arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules and the forces between them. EU 2.A: Matter can be described by its physical properties. The physical properties of a substance generally depend on the spacing between the particles (atoms, molecules, ions) that make up the substance and the forces of attraction among them. EU 2.B: Forces of attraction between particles (including the noble gases and also different parts of some large molecules) are important in determining many macroscopic properties of a substance, including how the observable physical state changes with temperature. EU 2.C: The strong electrostatic forces of attraction holding atoms together in a unit are called chemical bonds. EU 2.D: The type of bonding in the solid state can be deduced from the properties of the solid state. Big Idea 3: Changes in matter involve the rearrangement and/or reorganization of atoms and/or the transfer of electrons. EU 3.A: Chemical changes are represented by a balanced chemical equation that identifies the ratios with which reactants react and products form. EU 3.B: Chemical reactions can be classified by considering what the reactants are, what the products are, or how they change from one into the other. Classes of chemical reactions include synthesis, decomposition, acid-base, and oxidation-reduction reactions. EU 3.C: Chemical and physical transformations may be observed in several ways and typically involve a change in energy. Big Idea 4: Rates of chemical reactions are determined by details of the molecular collisions. EU 4.A: Reaction rates that depend on temperature and other environmental factors are determined by measuring changes in concentrations of reactants or products over time. EU 4.B: Elementary reactions are mediated by collisions between molecules. Only collisions having sufficient energy and proper relative orientation of reactants lead to products. EU 4.C: Many reactions proceed via a series of elementary reactions. EU 4.D: Reaction rates may be increased by the presence of a catalyst. Big Idea 5: The laws of thermodynamics describe the essential role of energy and explain and predict the direction of changes in matter. EU 5.A: Two systems with different temperatures that are in thermal contact will exchange energy. The quantity of thermal energy transferred from one system to another. EU 5.B: Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but only transformed from one form to another. EU 5.C: Breaking bonds requires energy, and making bonds releases energy. EU 5.D: Electrostatic forces exist between molecules as well as between atoms or ions, and breaking the resultant intermolecular attractions requires energy. EU 5.E: Chemical or physical processes are driven by a decrease in enthalpy or an increase in entropy, or both. Big Idea 6: Any bond or intermolecular attraction that can be formed can be broken. These two processes are in a dynamic competition, sensitive to initial conditions and external perturbations. EU 6.A: Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic, reversible state in which rates of opposing processes are equal. EU 6.B: Systems at equilibrium are responsive to external perturbations, with the response leading to a change in the composition of the system. EU 6.C: Chemical equilibrium plays an important role in acid-base chemistry and in solubility. EU 6.D: The equilibrium constant is related to temperature and the difference in Gibbs free energy between reactants and products. This idea is huge by itself, and now you're telling me there are five more Sigh. Another day another dollar. The 7 Scientific Practices of AP Chemistry These seven "scientific practices" represent skills that students are expected to learn in AP Chemistry. Many of these relate to correct implementation of the scientific method in a lab context. They're especially tied to the "Guided Inquiry" labs, where students work independently to plan and conduct experiments. #1: The student can use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific problems. #2: The student can use mathematics appropriately. #3: The student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or to guide investigations within the context of the AP course. #4: The student can plan and implement data collection strategies in relation to a particular scientific question. [Note: Data can be collected from many different sources, e.g., investigations, scientific observations, the findings of others, historic reconstruction, and/or archived data.] #5: The student can perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence. #6: The student can work with scientific explanations and theories. #7: The student is able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts, and representations in and across domains. AP Chemistry Curricular Requirements The curricular requirements are concrete statements of expectations for the AP Chemistry course. These include requirements for the types of materials teachers must use in class, the structural framework of the course, the opportunities students should receive, and the percentage of class time devoted to labs. The course must use a recently published (within the past ten years) college-level chemistry textbook. The course must be structured around the Enduring Understandings within the Big Ideas as described in the AP Chemistry curriculum framework. Students should have opportunities outside of laboratory investigations to meet the learning objectives within each of the big ideas in the AP Chemistry curriculum. Students have the opportunity to connect their knowledge of chemistry and science to major societal or technological components to help them become scientifically literate citizens. Labs make up 25 percent of the instructional time at minimum and include at least 16 hands-on experiments. Lab investigations allow students to apply the seven science practices, and at least 6 of the 16 labs are conducted in a guided-inquiry format. "Guided inquiry" labs put students at the center of the learning process, encouraging them to pose, develop, and experimentally investigate questions (self-generated or supplied). Other more traditional labs are teacher-directed, which means that teachers provide not only the questions for investigation, but also set procedures and data collection strategies for student use. The course provides opportunities for students to develop, record, and maintain evidence of their verbal, written, and graphic communication skills through lab reports, summaries of literature or scientific investigations, and oral, written, and graphic presentations. Keep in mind that it takes a while for most students to learn how to hold presentation materials in ways that don't completely obscure their faces. Work on it. You'll get there, buddy. What Does an AP Chemistry Syllabus Look Like? The following is a summary of a sample syllabus supplied by the College Board that goes through all the units that would be taught in a standard AP Chemistry course. It also provides the number of class periods allotted for each unit. In this example, the class periods are 52 minutes long. You can read the full syllabus here, and there are also a few more sample syllabi on this page! Course Materials Primary Textbook Zumdahl, Steven and Susan Zumdahl. Chemistry, Eighth Edition. Belmont CA: Cengage Learning, 2012. Other Resources Used The College Board. AP Chemistry Guided Inquiry Experiments: Applying the Science Practices. 2013. Demmin, Peter. AP Chemistry, Fifth Edition. New York: DS Marketing Systems Inc., 2005. Vonderbrink, Sally. Laboratory Experiments for AP Chemistry. Batavia: Flinn Scientific, 2001. Randall, Jack. Advanced Chemistry with Vernier. Oregon: Vernier Software and Technology, 2004. Holmquist, Dan and Donald Volz. Chemistry with Calculators. Oregon: Vernier Software and Technology, 2003. Beran, Jo Allan. Laboratory Principles of General Chemistry, Seventh Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2004. Unit 1: Chemistry Fundamentals 12 Class Periods 10 Problem sets 2 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Scientific method Classification of matter Nomenclature and formulas of binary compounds Polyatomic ions and other compounds Determination of atomic masses Mole concept Percent composition Empirical and molecular formula Writing chemical equations and drawn representations Balancing chemical equations Applying mole concept to chemical equations (stoichiometry) Determining limiting reactants, theoretical and percent yield of reactions Labs Math and Measurement in ScienceStudents learn how to measure mass and volume with varied pieces of equipment and focus on the accuracy of those pieces of equipment in their calculation and determination of significant figures. Students also determine the identity of an unknown organic liquid using density determination. Guided Inquiry Lab: Physical and Chemical PropertiesStudents are given the materials to conduct various procedures. They construct a procedure for each of the eight changes to be observed, have their procedures approved by the instructor, and then carry out the procedures. The data collected is used to develop a set of criteria for determining whether a given change is chemical or physical. Stoichiometry LabStudents determine the correct mole ratio of reactants in an exothermic reaction by mixing different amounts of reactants and graphing temperature changes. Unit 2: Types of Chemical Equations 8 Class Periods 4 Problem Sets 3 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Electrolytes and properties of water Molarity and preparation of solutions Precipitation reactions and solubility rules Acid-Base reactions and formation of a salt by titration Balancing redox reactions Simple redox titrations Gravimetric calculations Labs pH Titration LabStudents perform a titration and then determine the concentration of an HCl solution by using a potentiometric titration curve and finding the equivalence point. Data is graphed in a graphing program. Bleach LabStudents perform redox titrations to determine the concentration of hypochlorite in household bleach. Online Redox Titration ActivityOnline lab simulation where students can manipulate various factors to influence a redox titration. Unit 3: AP Style Net Ionic Equations 8 Class Periods 6 Problem Sets 4 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Redox and single replacement reactions Double replacement reactions Combustion reactions Addition reactions Decomposition reactions Labs Copper Reaction LabStudents perform a series of reactions, starting with copper and ending with copper. Students then calculate percent recovered. Unit 4: Gas Laws 8 Class Periods 5 Problem Sets 3 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Measurement of gases General gas laws - Boyle, Charles, Combined, and Ideal Dalton's Law of partial pressure Molar volume of gases and stoichiometry Graham's Law Kinetic Molecular Theory Real gases and deviation from ideal gas law Graham's law demonstration Labs Molecular Mass of a Volatile LiquidStudents use the Dumas method for determination of the molar mass of an unknown volatile liquid. Unit 5: Thermochemistry 8 Class Periods 5 Problem Sets 3 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Law of conservation of energy, work, and internal energy Endothermic and exothermic reactions Potential energy diagrams Calorimetry, heat capacity, and specific heat Hess's Law Heat of formation/combustion Bond energies Labs Guided Inquiry Lab: Hess's LawStudents perform a series of reactions and calculate enthalpy, proving Hess's law. Activity: Online Heating and Cooling Curve Simulations Unit 6: Atomic Structure and Periodicity 12 Class periods 9 Problem sets 4 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Electron configuration and the Aufbau principle Valence electrons and Lewis dot structures Periodic trends Table arrangement based on electronic properties Properties of light and study of waves Atomic spectra of hydrogen and energy levels Quantum mechanical model Quantum theory and electron orbitals Orbital shape and energies Spectroscopy Labs Spectroscopy LabStudents look at a series of emission spectra and determine the identity of an unknown. They will also receive and analyze IR and mass spectroscopy data. Activity: Periodic Table Dry LabStudents graph values for atomic radius, electronegativity, and ionization energy to predict trends and explain the organization of the periodic table. Unit 7: Chemical Bonding Class Periods 8 Problem Sets 4 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Lewis Dot structures Resonance structures and formal charge Bond polarity and dipole moments VSEPR models and molecular shape Polarity of molecules Lattice energies Hybridization Molecular orbitals and diagrams Labs Guided Inquiry: Bonding LabStudents experimentally investigate ionic and molecular substances deducing properties of their bonds in the process. Guided Inquiry: Investigation of SolidsStudents investigate types of solids using various experimental techniques. Activity: Atomic Theory Dry Lab (Students make drawings of a series of molecules and, from those drawings, predict geometry, hybridization, and polarity) Unit 8: Liquids, Solids, and Solutions 6 Class Periods 4 Problem Sets 2 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Structure and bonding Metals, network, and molecular Ionic, hydrogen, London, van der Waals Vapor pressure and changes in state Heating and cooling curves Composition of solutions Colloids and suspensions Separation techniques Effect on biological systems Labs Solution Preparation LabStudents make solutions of specified concentrations gravimetrically and by dilution. Solution concentrations will be checked for accuracy using a spectrophotometer. Vapor Pressure of Liquids LabStudents measure the vapor pressure of ethanol at different temperatures to determine ∆H. Activity: Effect on Biological SystemsStudents examine a demonstration size model of DNA or an alpha helix, and use their fingers to identify which atoms / base pairs are particularly involved in hydrogen bonding within the molecule, causing the helical structure. Students then discuss how the increased UV light because of ozone depletion can cause chemical reactions and thus mutations and disruption of hydrogen bonding. Unit 9: Kinetics 9 Class Periods 3 Problem Sets 3 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Rates of reactions Factors that affect rates of reactions/ collision theory Reaction Pathways Rate equation determination Rate constants Mechanisms Method of initial rates Integrated rate laws Activation energy and Boltzmann distribution Labs Guided Inquiry: Determining Order of a (Crystal Violet) ReactionUsing colorimetry and Beer's law, students determine the order of a reaction and its rate law. Determining the Activation Energy of a ReactionStudents use the same set-up as in the crystal violet lab, but, this time, varying temperature to calculate the activation energy with the use of the Arrhenius equation. Activity: Online Kinetics ActivityUsing a web-based simulation, students will study the elementary steps of a mechanism and how it relates to reaction rate and collision theory. Unit 10: General Equilibrium 6 Class Periods 4 Problem Sets 3 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Characteristics and conditions of chemical equilibrium Equilibrium expression derived from rates Factors that affect equilibrium Le Chatelier's principle The equilibrium constant Solving equilibrium problems Labs Determination of a Kc with Varied Initial ConcentrationsStudents use a spectrophotometer to determine the Kc of a series of reactions. Activity: Online Gas Phase Equilibrium ActivityIn the online inquiry activity, students are able to manipulate the environment and produce stresses that verify the tendency of Le Chatelier's principle. Unit : Acids and Bases 8 Class Periods 4 Problem sets 3 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Definition and nature of acids and bases Kw and the pH scale pH of strong and weak acids and bases Polyprotic acids pH of salts Structure of Acids and Bases Labs Determination of a Ka by Half TitrationStudents do a titration in which  ½ of the weak acid titrated is neutralized (aka midpoint), and then the Ka is determined. Unit 12: Buffers, Ksp, and Titrations Class Periods 6 Problem Sets 4 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Characteristics and capacity of buffers Titrations and pH curves Choosing Acid-Base Indicators pH and solubility Ksp Calculations and Solubility Product Labs Guided Inquiry: Types of TitrationsStudents investigate titration curves by doing titrations of different combinations of weak and strong acids and bases. Guided Inquiry: Preparation of a BufferGiven a selection of chemicals, students prepare a buffer of a given pH. Molar Solubility and Determination of KspStudents find the Ksp of calcium hydroxide doing a potentiometric titration with the addition of methyl orange indicator for verification. Unit 13: Thermodynamics 10 Class Periods 5 Problem Sets 3 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Laws of thermodynamics Spontaneous process and entropy Spontaneity, enthalpy, and free energy Free energy Free energy and equilibrium Rate and Spontaneity Labs Solubility and Determination of ΔH °, ΔS °, ΔG ° of Calcium HydroxideStudents collect and analyze data to determine ΔH °, ΔS °, and ΔG ° of calcium hydroxide. Unit 14: Electrochemistry 8 Class Periods 5 Problem Sets 4 Quizzes 1 Exam Topics Balancing redox equations Electrochemical cells and voltage The Nernst equation Spontaneous and non-spontaneous equations Chemical applications Labs Voltaic Cell LabStudents find the reduction potentials of a series of reactions using voltaic cells/multi-meters and build their own reduction potential table. Dilutions will be made, and the Nernst equation will also be tested. Final AP Review 16 Class Periods 4 Quizzes 4 Exams Topics Review of ALL topics 4 AP-Style Review Exams Mock AP Test Labs The Green Crystal LabA series of labs completed over a 4-week period. Students work at their own pace in pairs. The goal of this lab is to determine the empirical formula of a ferrioxalate crystal. It includes the following experiments: Experiment 1: Synthesis of the crystal Experiment 2: Standardization of KMnO4 by redox titration Experiment 3: Determination of % oxalate in crystal by redox titration Experiment 4: Standardization of NaOH by acid/base titration Experiment 5: Determination of % K+ and Fe3+ by ion exchange chromatography and a double equivalence point titration Experiment 6: Determination of the % water in the hydrated crystal Green crystals!!! Actually, the green crystals for the lab look even cooler than that. Teaching Tips for AP Chemistry These are some tips I came up with for AP Chemistry teachers based on my experiences as a student in the course. I struggled a lot with chemistry in high school (partially because my teacher wasn't very good), so here are a few things that I think would have helped me out at the time. Tip #1: Do Plenty of Sample Problems in Class (and Go Over Homework Thoroughly) When I was in AP Chemistry, I had a hard time understanding how to solve complex multi-step problems. I often couldn't figure them out on my own, even when I had read examples in the textbook and seen my teacher go through similar examples. I'd advise teachers to do as many sample problems as possible in class. It's important to give students background information, but walking through sample problems step-by-step is the most valuable practical instruction you can provide. You should also go through homework problem sets in class so that students can see exactly where they made mistakes and why. Encourage students to try redoing the problems with the new information they've learned to reinforce the correct methods. Tip #2: Offer Extra Help Sessions Because AP Chemistry is such a challenging class, it's likely that many students will be interested in extra help outside of the designated class period. Although students should be encouraged to take the initiative in asking for help, I think it's also a good idea to set up a designated time when you'll be available after school. Block out a couple of after-school hours one or two days a week, and encourage students to come to you with any questions or concerns they have about the class. You can also set aside times for review sessions before each exam that all students are encouraged to attend. These could even include chemistry-themed review games and competitions (if your students are true nerds they will love this). Tip #3: Give Students Real AP Practice Tests To prepare effectively for the AP test, students need to get used to the format and timing. As you get closer to the exam, administer a few mock AP tests. Translate grades to where they would fall on the AP scale so that students have a better idea of where they're scoring and how much they need to study to reach their goals. This will help give them more motivation to study and force any stragglers to get serious about improving their scores. Grades on real AP practice tests will help light a fire under students who have a tendency to procrastinate and cram. Tips for AP Chemistry Students If, on the other hand you're an AP Chemistry student, you may find these tips for doing well in this challenging class helpful. Tip #1: Pay Attention in Class Obviously, right? Well, not necessarily; zoning out during lectures is something that we're all guilty of doing because we're human beings. However, this is a class where you really, really need to pay attention to your teacher's explanations. It's hard to self-teach chemistry because you're not just memorizing facts, you're learning how to do different types of calculations and navigate a bunch of new terminologies. If you can only pay attention to one thing, make it the example problems that your teacher does in class. Take notes on the solution steps so you can refer to them in the future and refresh your memory. Tip #2: Ask Lots of Questions (and Get Help If You Need It!) If you don't understand something, get clarification as soon as possible. AP Chemistry isn't a class where you can let a few things fall by the wayside and still get by. The information builds on itself, so it's critical that you have a strong understanding of every concept. Gaps in knowledge will come back to bite you in the end! If you don't feel like you're getting enough of an explanation in class, don't be afraid to ask your teacher for extra help. Tip #3: Don't Fall Behind It will be tempting to say "oh, I don't actually need to do this problem set" or "eh, I'll read this chapter later." But if you do that too many times, before you know it you'll have no idea what's happening in class. This course moves very quickly from one complex concept to the next, so you can't afford to fall behind. As I mentioned, concepts build on one another. If you find yourself slipping and losing touch with what's going on in the course, ask your teacher for extra help as soon as possible to resolve the issue. Tip #4: Get a Review Book, and Review Concepts Throughout the Year Review books can be very helpful for AP Chemistry because they're well-organized catalogs of all the different concepts you will learn in the course. There's so much packed into the curriculum that I'd recommend buying a book so you have something to ground yourself as you're looking back through the material. You can use the review book for practice problems and AP review sessions throughout the year. Every couple of months, do a review of everything you've learned so far to keep the information at the front of your mind. Here's my list of the best review books for AP Chemistry to give you a lil head start. Review books will lay out the structure of the course more clearly for you so that you don't get lost in your notes! Conclusion To recap, the AP Chemistry syllabus revolves around six "Big Ideas," which are main themes that cover more specific concepts called "Enduring Understandings." Each AP Chemistry course is expected to give students the skills they need to understand these larger themes and connect them to a basic factual knowledge of the ins and outs of chemistry. Additionally, an effective course syllabus provides assignments that enable students to master the seven "Scientific Practices" established by the course guidelines. It will also adhere to the rules established by the Curriculum Requirements. A few tips I would recommend for teaching this course are: #1: Do Lots of Sample Problems in Class#2: Offer Built-In Extra Help Sessions#3: Administer Official Practice AP Tests Some tips I would recommend for students who want to do well in AP Chemistry are: #1: Pay Attention in Class#2: Ask Questions, and Get Help if You Need It#3: Avoid Slacking Off and Falling Behind#4: Use a Review Book to Supplement Class Materials AP Chemistry is a fast-paced class that covers complex concepts, but with a logically formatted syllabus and a concerted effort from both students and teachers, the course can be an enlightening introduction to a fundamental aspect of how the world works! What's Next? Is AP Chemistry really as challenging as some people think? Read this article for a detailed examination of the difficulty level of the course (and exam). Need help preparing for the final exam? Check out my ultimate study guide for AP Chemistry! If you're taking AP Chemistry, chances are that you're applying to colleges that require or recommend submission of SAT Subject Test scores. Learn more about the differences between AP Tests and SAT Subject Tests and whether one is more important than the other. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

imperialism and race relations essays

imperialism and race relations essays A small Indian man by the name of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, or, more commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi, played the dominant role in securing the downfall of British rule in India. Not only did he play a pivotal role in creating an Independent India but he tried to do did it without guns or physical violence. Gandhis fight against racism and British rule in India began in South Africa when he was thrown off a train for being an Indian in a first class carriage. On returning to India he continued his goal of an independent India through policies of non-cooperation, non-violence and Satyagraha (Sanskrit for truth and firmness). Gandhi, the major leader for the movement for an Independent India was born in India. In 1988 he then went to the University College in London where he gained a degree in law and was admitted to the British bar. Gandhi, attempting to set up a law firm in Bombay had very little success. Two years later he was offered a job from a South African firm in Durban and on route to this new job he suffered major mistreatment, on the train, through injustice and racism. This sparked Gandhis fight for the rights and liberties of the Indian people. Gandhi stayed in South Africa for over twenty years, during which he gained much experience in battling colonial governments. The first being the Indian Franchise Bill passed in 1984. This meant that Indians had the right to vote withdrawn. Gandhi fought the Natal Government and managed to have little success. Although the act was changed, it was just the wording and it still did as it did before. During the Boer War Gandhi established an Ambulance Corp in support of the British after which he continued his campaign. In 1906 the Black Ordinance was introduced which meant that all Indians had to have in possession a certificate that could be demanded when ever. Gandhi opposed this with his policies of non-cooperation and satyagraha. Before Gandhi was ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Korean War - The Conflict in Korea

Korean War - The Conflict in Korea The Conflict in Korea"Never before has this nation been engaged in mortal combat with a hostile power ...without even formally recognizing a state of war." (MacArthur quoted in West and Phillip, 2001, 195)The Korean War was the civil and military struggle that was fought on the Korean Peninsula between 1950 and 1953. It originated in the division of Korea after the Second World War. The rivalry between the two Koreas drew third party countries into political and ideological disputes, such as the ongoing dispute between the United States of America and the USSR. There were many conflicts between the communists and capitalists during the Cold War era, commonly known as proxy wars, and the most serious incident occurred in Korea. Why did North Korea cross the 38th parallel and invade South Korea? This essay will argue that the primary reason is that; the Soviet-backed North Korean Communist government led by Kim Il Sung attacked the American-backed South Koreans with the aim of unifying the two Koreas and expanding communism.English: Armistice Agreement, DPR KoreaThe Soviets provided military and economic aid to North Korea in the hope of gaining a valuable buffer zone in Asia.In the months following the conclusion of the Second World War, the then unified Korea, split into two - North and South, both taking different steps in ideology which ultimately led to the Korean War. The Soviet Union controlled the North, while the US controlled the South. The North was transformed into a communist state under the control of the Soviet Union and the dictator Kim Il Sung, who was a dedicated communist who had fought for the Red Army during WW2 (Dictatorofthemonth, 2008). This made a recipe for disaster, considering that South Korea was under command by the Americans who were predominantly capitalist and in the focal point of...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Project Portfolio Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project Portfolio Management - Essay Example According to Todd (2003) having a strong program for portfolio management can significantly lower risks and maximize the value of projects. It can strengthen communications between projects teams business leadership, encourage teamwork & responsibility in management of projects, permit efficient scheduling of project resources and eliminate project redundancy. The ultimate result is profitability and maximum value out of projects. It is crucial to follow best practices and key steps of project management. Firstly it is important to have an inventory of projects so as to have all the projects the organization is running in a single database. Second is to identify those projects matching strategic business objectives and then categorize the projects based on their scores. It is also crucial to proactively manage the projects and identify potential hurdles in good time. The article is very useful especially to persons involved in project management. While the author appreciates there one specific approach to portfolio project management, he points pins out aligning projects with strategy and embracing best practices as key success factors. The article also maps important activities that must be implemented while managing projects and therefore the information is very useful to project management teams but also business leaders and students of

Friday, October 18, 2019

CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Case Study Example nquiry is present in the story, because Harris highlighted in the general bulletin sent to all employees that Akin will be helping them recognize their strengths and what they are doing right, so that plant work can be done more effectively and efficiently. He emphasized that â€Å"his presence is not due to any particular problem† but a product of the managements desire to â€Å"continuously improve† (211). The management wanted to highlight the identification of strengths of the company in a positive manner, which is aligned with appreciative inquiry. In addition, when Akin conducted his research, he did not ask about problems, but inquired in such a way that will help him gain a strengths-based understanding of the model of work at DuPont. There was no â€Å"judgment† or â€Å"bias† in his research, and instead, there was more emphasis on the strengths of the people. c) Sense-making- Sense-making is applied in the story, because Akin understood the culture and work system of DuPont by researching with the people. This means that together, the researcher and the workers made sense of their experiences and generated the local organization theory that people used to do their work. In addition, the research paved way in identifying and understanding the stock-car racing metaphor that the people used to explain their idea of teamwork and how they worked together. 2) In your opinion, how compatible are these three approaches? Why? What evidence is there in the DuPont story for your answer? As a change manager, to what extent could you utilize insights from each approach? For me, these approaches are compatible, because OD can use sense-making and appreciative inquiry as means of understanding the needs for change, preparing people for change, and collaborating with them to achieve organizational changes. Sense-making, for instance, helped reinforce appreciative inquiry by focusing on the meaning of their work. The evidence is that since these approaches are applied,

The Godfather Movie Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Godfather Movie - Research Paper Example The plot of the story portrays an Italian American empire that is beginning to fall based on tragic situations in criminal exploits. The opening scene of a wedding pose an appeal to the viewers as family induces a feeling of belonging such that those who lack belief in it are draw in to the depths of such remarkable occasions. That in the making is one significant way to draw the attention of the viewers. This depicts the Corleone family business affairs bringing the viewers to the act, to its world and into the narrative. The epic is actually ruthless in implications as it unfolds and various styles have been used. Suspense is created effectively, and the actors seek to turn off the viewers and pull them in at the same time. Skill and craft is executed bravely with the length and the pacing of the movie aiming to show how themes of betrayal, greed and loyalty shine in life in ways that are both profound and surprising (Puzo 208). It offers a brutal depiction of events and lifestyle such as one of pirates. The story begins plotwise on an attempt to assassinate Don Vito by a rival from a different family due to his refusal to join an illegal business in narcotics trade. With his absence and temporary unavailability as he seeks medical attention, it becomes the role of his sons to run the entire empire. These include a hot tempered Sonny, mildly meek Fredo, an adopted son of Irish ancestry Tom Hagen and a fiercely independent Michael who happens to be the only fortunate son to obtain a college education (Zapala-Kraj 47). Michael is initially uninterested in the family business and lacks the desire to take part in the future take over. However, with continuous deceit and betrayal, it is Michael who comes through as a successor to his... This research paper focuses on the movie The Godfather, that is one of the many action series that provides a captivating entertainment especially for those who love to watch drama and crime. The movie was produced in 1972 and based on the novel by Mario Puzo, The Godfather. The movie provides a captivating scene and popular moving chronicles of American life that are brutal in their nature and the way they are depicted. Within the context of all popular entertainment, this movie provided a higher rating in the mode of the filming. The screen player Francis Ford Coppola brings forth a gangster melodrama that is truly sorrowful but also extremely exciting that lacks the unbelievable piety of the previous productions in the movie industry that strike fear but caution that the crime is not paying. The movie is an illustration of daily life events. Let us face it, to be rich, powerful, feared and influential is a way of life achieved by some people and we cannot deny is one that most wou ld desire and find somewhat compelling. Based on that, drama epics like The Godfather gives the viewer the chance to explore this dark possibility and emotion as well as live through the actors and traits as depicted in the film. There is much people who can borrow from a story that shows how a person can move from normal life of casting out roles to one of taking duty and responsibility towards a fulfilled life. Michael can be used as a turning point to people who lack a sense of direction, and the movies is highly recommended.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Legal and Ethical of Business - IP 5 Research Paper

Legal and Ethical of Business - IP 5 - Research Paper Example This paper will research and comparatively analyze the challenges faced by McDonalds and Starbuck in India and China respectively. McDonald’s got engaged into the Indian market in 1996. This entry was in a form of a joint venture between local restaurants in both western India and northern India. This entry was expected to increase the customer base for the company. Having used the local partners, McDonald was sure to have little if any resistance in the industry. This is because it was expected that the taxes and duty issues related to foreign companies would be relatively affordable. Whereas this was not far-fetched, several other challenges became of greater concern. First, the political system in India is not so friendly. Even with the local support, the government still find loopholes to overtax the foreign entities even when partnered. The brand duty is exorbitant, and all profits are taxed for foreign firms (Chari, 2013). Further, violent destruction of hotels was also witnessed as fueled by the politicians and community leaders. For Starbuck, the political system in China is more strict but relatively transparent. From the beginning, industries and activities are either encouraged, restricted or prohibited. Establishing a business, therefore, requires initial certification (Gaff, Choy, & Chan, 2012). Following 2008 poisoned milk scandal, China has enacted more stringent laws on food and beverages companies and Starbuck almost got kicked out of the country only a few years since its entry. This contributed greatly to the loss of competitiveness in the global luxury markets especially in the large cities in China. However, the management sought to reverse this situation by partnering with real estate agencies in the country to establish shops in cheaper locations and closer to people’s residential areas. Socially and ethically, McDonald had a variety of challenges. The

Political Corruption in Bulgaria after 1989 Essay

Political Corruption in Bulgaria after 1989 - Essay Example Though showing some improvement in the recent years, Bulgaria holds the shame of being labeled as the corruption capital of Europe. It is the corruption at the political level that is most dangerous in the country. All political parties operate with an open funding system. Such a condition, with no obvious management, surely encourages corruption. However, some facts and figures will show the 'politics' behind Bulgaria's corruption. In an attempt to modernize the nation's economy, the communist government enforced different industrialization programs. Until democratizing reforms began in 1989, Bulgaria remained a communist country. The Bulgarian nationalism underwent a drastic change since its first multi party elections in 1990 (U.S.-Bulgarian Relations, 2008). But the transition from the communist rule to a free market economy was not easy. The introduction of Banking reforms, and program to privatize state-owned assets turned out to be challenging issues. Due to the fall of communism, the country lost all its Soviet market. The Bulgarian goods could not find a good market. It led to a substantial contraction of the financial system. The rising inflation and unemployment became major problems. To add oil to the fire, the Bulgarian government had to battle with the uncontrolled corruption at all levels of administration. In the last two decades, Bulgaria underwent complet... In the last two decades, Bulgaria underwent complete political transformation. It is imperative to say that the political transformation has contributed much to the restructuring of the nation's entire mechanisms. On the other hand, how effective those reorganizations, is a question of active debate. However, it could enjoy steady economic growth and macroeconomic stability, problems are too many. It struggles hard to come up as a democratic power. Unfortunately corruption has become a key word in any study of Bulgaria. The National Assembly, which is supposed to monitor all anti corruption mechanisms, proved to be ineffective. Corruption is among the five most important problems Bulgaria is facing today. Five most critical problems Bulgaria is facing Unemployment 58,40 % Low incomes 51,30 % Crime 45,40 % Corruption 38,50 % Poverty 31,60 % High prices 22,90 % Political instability 17,70 % Healthcare 11,50 % Pollution 3,60 % Education 2,70 % Ethnic problems 2,10 % The sum of percentages exceeds 100, as respondents have given up to three answers (Source: Five most critical problems Bulgaria is facing, This social evil happened to spread widely in various fields of Bulgarian public life. Corruption has developed as a key principle in many fields like administration and judiciary. Political party finance, public administration and judiciary are the most affected areas. The Bulgarian community has begun to understand the magnitude of corruption of ministers and senior officials. Due to corrupt bureaucracy, any official procedure has become a 'hard nut' for the common man. He has to pay a huge amount to the police, health

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Legal and Ethical of Business - IP 5 Research Paper

Legal and Ethical of Business - IP 5 - Research Paper Example This paper will research and comparatively analyze the challenges faced by McDonalds and Starbuck in India and China respectively. McDonald’s got engaged into the Indian market in 1996. This entry was in a form of a joint venture between local restaurants in both western India and northern India. This entry was expected to increase the customer base for the company. Having used the local partners, McDonald was sure to have little if any resistance in the industry. This is because it was expected that the taxes and duty issues related to foreign companies would be relatively affordable. Whereas this was not far-fetched, several other challenges became of greater concern. First, the political system in India is not so friendly. Even with the local support, the government still find loopholes to overtax the foreign entities even when partnered. The brand duty is exorbitant, and all profits are taxed for foreign firms (Chari, 2013). Further, violent destruction of hotels was also witnessed as fueled by the politicians and community leaders. For Starbuck, the political system in China is more strict but relatively transparent. From the beginning, industries and activities are either encouraged, restricted or prohibited. Establishing a business, therefore, requires initial certification (Gaff, Choy, & Chan, 2012). Following 2008 poisoned milk scandal, China has enacted more stringent laws on food and beverages companies and Starbuck almost got kicked out of the country only a few years since its entry. This contributed greatly to the loss of competitiveness in the global luxury markets especially in the large cities in China. However, the management sought to reverse this situation by partnering with real estate agencies in the country to establish shops in cheaper locations and closer to people’s residential areas. Socially and ethically, McDonald had a variety of challenges. The

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What effect did the Rise of Science have on theories of Educational Essay

What effect did the Rise of Science have on theories of Educational Practice - Essay Example Education empowers individuals to lead their lives autonomously, participate in the community activities, and pursue their goals. Through education children acquire culture, which ultimately helps them orient their social conduct in the right direction. School is just another and a superficial means, of education. A large proportion of education is ingrained from other agencies (Dewey, 1926:4-5). Education and learning are closely related and are, at times, used synonymously. History of education can be dichotomized as the development of curricula and development of learning and teaching In the primordial world, education concerned only with cultural transmission. Since there was little that changed in everyday life, education too changed and deviated little, from set standards. The aim of education was merely to make the children fit enough to take up their roles in tribes. In those societies education was achieved through oral instruction or imitation. As the human life became more complex, there arose the need to impart education in vocational skills like hunting, farming, and animal husbandry. During the rise of ancient civilizations and development of languages, education became more formal and complex. The birth of formal education system is variously attributed to the Egyptian, Chinese, and Mesopotamian Civilizations between 3000 and 1500 B.C. In the Egyptian society, education was only carried out by priestly class that held sway in the society and enjoyed political clout as well. The priests dispensed, to a group of elite students, esoteric knowledge of subjects like science, medicine, and mathematics. Mesopotamian civilization had a tradition of teaching children belonging to the upper crust of the society. Education consisted of learning subjects like law, mathematics, and astrology. In the ancient Chinese civilization, education was about development of secular values, moral uprightness, use of rituals, and music. Later, toward the 1st

Health Care Museum Essay Example for Free

Health Care Museum Essay My proposal for a new health care hall of fame museum would include several things. My museum will pay tribute to the five most significant developments in the evolution of health care in the United States. These developments has helped change and save the lives of many people. Exhibit 1: Vaccines and Medications Vaccines and Medications are very important. With these two we have had a significant decrease in the number of people that were hospitalized or caused death. With the â€Å"advances in medical science† you can be protected against more diseases. Medicines can either heal, prevent, or stop diseases or a sickness. Medicine can be used in the form of a tablet, syrup, drugs, and exercise. When we get sick we take medicine for many different reasons. With the help of medicine it will â€Å"restore us back to normal†. Exhibit 2: Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease If you do not have control of infectious diseases from spreading, then we all can be at risk of a big epidemic of disease that are contagious. You have different community partners and health care providers that work with people to discuss the pros and cons of the infectious diseases. We all should work together to prevent the spreading of any kind of germ. This can be something as simple as washing your hands more frequently throughout the day. You would also use vaccines and medicines to prevent and treat infectious diseases. Exhibit 3: Technology Technology is a great advancement for the health fields, especially now that it is improving every day. Technology has become an important source to obtain medical information. Everyone is using technology on so many  different ways. They are using it to reach â€Å"wider populations,† contact with patients, public awareness, community outreach, and any questions that you may have medically, you can chat with doctors and nurses online as well. Exhibit 4: Medical Equipment Medical Equipment is something I choose, because with the different types of medical equipment it can save many lives. You have different types of medical equipment. â€Å"Diagnostic medical imaging machines† are used to help with diagnosis. MRI, Ultrasound, CT scanner equipment is used to maintain a person’s function. These are just some of the medical equipment’s. You also have other machines that monitor your vital organs in your body. Like EKG machines to monitor your heart, lung and dialysis machines. Exhibit 5: Oxygen Oxygen is needed by all living organism. Without oxygen humans will not be able to survive. In institutions like hospitals, they keep a supply of oxygen in stock that is provided to patients who have difficulty breathing. We must take care of ourselves in order to have a longer life span and in order to live healthy. All of my exhibits that are presented to you, I feel are very important and vital in the health care field. These are all thing that we need in the health care and in order to survive. Reference 1. Health Statistics. Health U.S. 2010: With Special features on death and dying. Hyattsville MD:CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, 2011

Monday, October 14, 2019

Making Renewable Energy SMART using Internet of Things (IOT)

Making Renewable Energy SMART using Internet of Things (IOT) Manuj Darbar, Kripa Shankar Pathak, Rajesh Goel Abstract: The paper highlights the cooperative behaviour of Multi agent systems by combining various renewal energy sources and then feeding the power to the grid. The process uses 6LoWPAN protocol to communicate with each other and C-ARTAGOs interface control with Guarde properties to intelligently manage the demand and supply. Keywords: SMART Grids, Renewal Energy sources, IoT. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Renewal energy is inspired by natural resources for energy conversion. Till date natural resources which are exploited for conversion of energy are: Wind, Biomass and Solar Power with the upsurge in energy demand countries are switching to alternative energy sources. These alternative sources could be Wind, Biomass or Solar Energy. Denmark tops the list with a very high penetration of renewal energy producing nearly 20% of total electricity demand. There is a paradigm shift from traditional method of generating power to renewal energy systems. There are two broad areas of research in renewal energy: Energy Transition, Energy Storage. Energy transition deals with conversion of natural energy into some form (Generally Electrical, Energy storage refers to store the energy generated by Natural resource generally solar cells uphill now manufacturers are using Conventional method of installing these energy sources, with the development of Internet of things the objects are made SMART. They can adjust output according to environment making them adaptive[2,3]. Unlike conventional internet, IOT supportive device usage with a very low bandwidth moreover the transmission is also inter sensor the novelty in this research area is to derive maximum efficiency from the entire setup. Each of the device will have an embedded chip sensor grid and communication link of all the connectivity nodes which are finally converted to cloud (P-cloud) for processing. For instance let up take the case of wind turbine, is case of any dynamic change in the operation of one turbine it is to be communicated to the cloud and all the turbines in li ne with turbine automatically adjust themselves, a self healing Immunization is injected which tunes the particular turbine in line with the other turbines. To manage the coherency between generation and storage battery signals and other parameters are sent to cloud for processing accordingly an adjustment/find turn of signal is generated to maintain the rhythm. Nowadays a new operating system like Windows and Linux has been developed specially catering to the needs of Internet of Things (IOT) named Contiki. Similarly we can apply for solar cell where a cell submits its health report on P-cloud on regular intervals. Some of the embedded systems supporting IOT are XBee, Rasberey pie and Cognitive Radio[8,9] Supporting Extended Environmental Markup Language, a type of XML document used in PACHUBED (suitable for public upload, download and display of data for Internet connected Networks. 2.0 MODEL DEVELOPMENT The paper highlights the development of a Toolkit for efficient management of Wind Energy and Solar Energy and feeding into the grid. In order to achieve synchronization between Wind grid, Solar Grid and existing grid we use the concept of Multi-agent system. These intelligent agents are integrated to a form self organizing net using swarming technique. Each of the wind mill and solar grid is connected by 6 LOWPAN Sensor devices. 6 LOWPAN is made up of Low-power wireless are networks. Which are IPV6 stub network. An Ad LOWPAN is not connected to the internet that operates without infrastructure. Figure 1 : Layer Architecture 6 LOWPAN In our framework we will be using Extended LOWPAN consisting of multiple edge routers. LOWPAN works on the principle of neighbor discovery (ND) LOWPAN needs participate in more than one LOWPAN at the same time also known as multi-homing. The protocol stack of 6 LOWPAN Protocol stack consists of Application, Transport, Network, Data Link and Physical. The Architecture of 6 LOWPAN consists of 1 Pv6 Internet connected to Remote sensor and an Edge Router which is connected with P2P link. This Edge Router consists of various Nodes of 6 LOWPAN (Figure 2) Figure 2: 6 LOWPAN Connection (Adopted from 6 LOWPAN – The wireless embedded Internet) Neighbor Discovery in LOWPAN includes a built in feature for dealing with Micro mobility. All the messages generated are being monitored and tracked by the Central Control Unit which feeds the power to the grid. Consider a scenario where grid of Wind Mills is installed, a grid of solar cells (figure 3). Figure 3: Multi-Agent System for Autonomic Control The above figure highlights the 6 LOWPAN sensor networks which is connected to each Wind Mill and Solar Panels. It is connected to the Control Centre by the help of an interface using 1Pv6 server and P2P connection by the Edge Router. The real time protocol for streaming the signals uses UDP which is an widely used for sensor data streams. The use Web services by the Control Centre helps in linking the current weather conditions (Sunny) or (windy) to Grid synchronizer which informs the Grid about the necessary invariability and power delivery in the Grid. In order to simulate the entire set-up we use the concept of C-ArtAgo developed by Alassendro Ricei et al. [1]. It is a platform for providing a general-purpose programming model. It works on two different aspects Agents and Artifacts. It is modeled in terms of set of artifacts programmed by MAS. Secondly the artifact collaborate each other using the combination of 6 LOWPAN communication[3,5,7] defined in FIPA standard protocols. The FIPA protocol[10,11] uses some of the concept of high-level interaction. It is categorised into three sections: (1) Basic Protocols (2) Network Protocol Contractual FIPA (3) Protocols FIPA Auctions. Since the Network protocol and Protocols FIPA Auctions are used when a electronic commerce has to be established. We will be using Basic Protocols of FIPA. The FIPA Basic Protocol allows an agent to request to another agent to perform certain action. It is combined with 6 LOWPAN Protocol to generate a standard set of communication link given in figure 4. Figure 4: AUML Representation of 6 LOWPAN FIPA Protocol quarry. This protocol allows an agent to request to another agent to perform certain action. The agent on receiving the request indicates whether it accepts or rejects the request. The FIPA protocol is further supported by conditional quarry protocol FIPA which allows an agent to request agent to perform an action when a certain condition is satisfied. The request protocol allows an agent to make an inquiry. The Agent on accepting the request can than acceptor refuse to provide information. (C-ArtAgo has a layerical structure with MAS acting as an middle layer. (figure 5) Figure 5 : Layerical Representation of MAS with CARTAGO Consider a scenario where we have to integrate Solar grid, Wind Grid and Normal Supply side grid by using guidance from the Web Service agent. The Web service agent we have used here are: The Weather services and Load Demand services provided by distribution agencies. In order to collaborate all the above entities we treat them as intelligent agents. In order to collaborate all the above agents we use (C-ARTAGOs usage interface control with Guarde properties. The operation control is either enabled or disabled. The Agent side side Use is used to trigger the Action, if USE + ENABLED then Action is Triggered otherwise the Action is stopped / Suspended. The sample program using Guard is described as: import alice.catrago.*; import java.until.*; public class Intelligent Agent extends Artifact { private Linked List sensor; void init (int max){ Sensors = new LinkedList define ( ) bsproperty (max-sensors, nmax); define Obs property (n_sensors,0); } @OPERATION (guard = n_sensors = active) void sense (device Id) {sensors.add (sensor); updatedObsProperty (n_IPv6, services, sensor.udp); } @GUARD boolean Grid Demand Not Full (set sensors) {intmax Agents = getobsProperty (max_agents). int value ( ) ; return agent size ( ) } } The above code deals with the problem of concurrent systems which requires effective coordination between produces agent (Solar Agent Windmill Agent) and SupplyAgent (The Supply grid). The use of Guard operation in Boolean option provides a necessary control giving the exact amount of Windmills / Solar panels currently active and based on Web service agent communication and the grid requirement the Boolean values change accordingly. 4.0 Conclusion: The paper introduces a framework for specifying the interaction between various types of intelligent agents. The coordination between the solar agent and Wind Mill agent is achieved by 6LOWPAN devices connected on IPv6 environment. The communication is achieved by Web Senor connected with Web services which guides about the environmental conditions and Peak Demand variations which is going to come in next couple of days. System uses FIPA protocol architecture for multi agent coordination. References: Book Section: [1] Alessandro Piunti, Michele A Viroli, Mirko A Omicini, Andrea Amal, Environment Programming in CArtAgO†, pp: 259-2188, Multi Agen Programming, 2009, Springer US. Research Papers: [2] Lehtoranta, O., Seppà ¤là ¤, J., Koivisto, H., and Koivo, H., â€Å"Adaptive District Heat Load Forecasting using Neural Networks†, in Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Soft Computing for Industry, Maui, USA, 2000. [3] M Darbari, VK Singh, R Asthana, â€Å"N-Dimensional Self Organizing Petrinets for Urban Traffic Modeling†, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 7 (4), 37-40, 2010. [4] N Dhanda, M Darbari, NJ Ahuja, â€Å"Development of Multi Agent Activity Theory e-Learning (MATeL) Framework Focusing on Indian Scenario† , International Review on Computers Software 7 (4), 1624-1628, 2012. [5] M Darbari, VK Singh, R Asthana, S Prakash, â€Å"N-Dimensional Self Organizing Petrinets for Urban Traffic Modeling†, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 7 (4), 37-40, 2010. [6] M Darbari, P Sahai, â€Å"Adaptive e-learning using Granulerised Agent Framework†, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 5 (3), 167-171,2014. [7] Mà ¼ller, J.P., â€Å"A Cooperation Model for Autonomous Agents†, Intelligent Agents III, Springer, 1997. [8] Malone, T., and Crowston, K., â€Å"The interdisciplinary study of coordination†,  ACM Computing Surveys,V ol. 26(1), 1994. [9] Nwana, H.S., Lee, L., Jennings, N.R., â€Å"Co-ordination in software agents systems†, BT Technology Journal. Vol 14(4), 1996. [10] Shoham, Y., and Tennenholtz, M., â€Å"On the synthesis of useful social laws for artificial agent societies†, in Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 276-281, 1992. [11] Wooldridge, M., Jennings, N.J., and Kinny, D., â€Å"The Gaia Methodology for Agent-Oriented Analysis and Design†, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol. 3(3) pp.285-312, 2000.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hollywoods Attack On Religion :: essays research papers

Hollywood's Attack on Religion The section that I have chosen to analyze from the book Hollywood vs. America is "The Attack on Religion." In this part of the book, Michael Medved discusses the shift in attitude Hollywood has made toward religion, from acceptable to contemptible. He takes a look at the messages being sent in films, music and television in the last 15 to 20 years and analyzes their effects. In general, Hollywood depicts religion in an unfavorable manner, according to Medved. Moreover, Medved also argues that, not only has Hollywood taken a hostile stance toward religion, but it has paid the price, literally, for doing so. All of Medved's arguments are well supported and documented, making them seemingly futile to argue against. Yet, Hollywood, which includes films, music and television, continues to disregard the obvious facts that Medved has revealed. In the first chapter of this section, "A Declaration of War," Medved discusses the facts surrounding the protest which took place on August 11, 1988, in opposition to the release of the motion picture The Last Temptation of Christ. MCA/Universal, which funded the Martin Scorsese film, called the protesters a "know-nothing wacky pack" (38). However, as Medved points out, the protest was "the largest protest ever mounted against the release of a motion picture" (37) and included such groups as the National Council of Catholic Bishops, the Southern Baptist Convention, twenty members of the U.S. House of Representatives and prominent figures such as Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Ken Wales, former vice president at Disney studios. Even with such strong opposition from these respected groups and people, the studio refused to listen and stood behind its First Amendment rights. MCA/Universal was even supported by the Motion Picture Association of America, which stated that "The . . . MPAA support MCA/Universal in its absolute right to offer to the people whatever movie it chooses" (41). However, Medved rebukes this statement, arguing that "absolute right" wasn't the issue; the issue "concerned the movie company's choices, not its rights" (41). He supports this argument further by indicating that the MPAA would never support a film portraying Malcolm X as a paid agent of Hoover's FBI or portraying Anne Frank "as an out-of-control nymphomaniac" (41). By releasing The Last Temptation of Christ, the studio positions Jesus, God and Christianity below these prominent figures in history because it is portraying Jesus and other religious figures in uncharacteristic situations that would never be associated with these historical figures. This is supported by past experiences when movies were edited so as to not offend animal rights activists, gay advocacy groups, and ethnic

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Bernice Bobs Her Hair Essay -- essays research papers fc

“Bernice Bobs Her Hair';   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you ever at one time or another felt like an outsider? Many people do, trying desperately to fit in with their social counterparts. Whether it be in school, at work, or life in general, many yearn to be accepted by their peers and feel as though they are a part of some sort of “club'; that is viewed by others as the “in'; crowed. F. Scott Fitzgerald tries to express this turmoil with the short story “Bernice Bob’s Her Hair';. He attempts to show the inner workings of the popular youth and the means in which one can successfully enter it. By creating the distinct characters of Marjorie, Bernice and Warren, one can see the realistic lives of youth in America and what they do when it comes to achieving and successfully maintaining one’s popularity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the world of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Marjorie is portrayed as a self assured, popular young woman. This was shown very early in the story, during which a party was taking place. After noticing that Bernice, her dopey cousin, was consuming much of Oswald’s time, she proceeded to Warren to ask if he could take over being Bernice’s company and dance with her. Warren submissively said yes, even though he desperately wished to spend time with Marjorie. As he did so, Marjorie was whisked away by a boy to dance, the second or third of the evening. Her status gave her the convenience of asking favors, with the confidence of knowing that they would be carried out without resistance. This confidence also emerged after she told Bernice what a drag people like her are to be with. When Bernice went up stairs later on that day and announced to Marjorie how right she was, Marjorie's immediate response was “I know';(1). This “know it all'; attitude arose a gain when she declared that the reason Madonna did not smile in her world renowned portrait was because her teeth were crooked, even though it is widely assumed and most probable that it was due to that period in time; at that time is was very uncommon to smile for a portrait since it did not look dignified or proper. She also felt confident after noticing that her achievement in bringing Bernice into the popular realm started to surpass her own popularity. As she saw that Bernice was wooing W... ...are about such things as frivolous as that. People like Warren are too self conscious and would most likely grow up without a sense of identity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is said by many that it does not matter in life whether one is popular or not. I beg to differ. Sure, one does not necessarily need to be popular in order to be successful in life, but popularity does bring its advantages. For one thing, being likable can get one a better chance at career advances or even getting a job at all since employers tend to hire employees they feel most comfortable with. Also, being likable means being able to easily make friends which, in the working world, could mean an increase in the amount of connections one might make as well as an increase in one’s level of connections. No one should ever discredit popularity as being a cruel concoction created by children who wanted to feel better about themselves. It can indeed help one down the road of life if he or she uses it wisely.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Works Cited: 1. Fitzgerald, F., Scott. “Bernice Bobs Her Hair';.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hemmingway: Catherine as a Code Hero

Catherine: A Manipulative Caretaker In A Farewell to Arms, Frederic Henry is characterized initially by a sort of detachment from life-though well-disciplined and friendly, he feels as if he has nothing to do with the war. These feelings of detachment are pushed away when Henry falls in love with Catherine and begins to realize the hostile nature of the world. In this way, Henry serves the function of a character that becomes initiated in Hemingway's philosophy of an indifferent universe and man's struggle against it. Due to the untimely death of a fiance previous to the events of this book, Catherine is initiated into Hemingway's philosophy, and exemplifies the traits of the Hemingway  code hero  throughout the novel. She is characterized primarily by her disregard for  social conventions  as well as an unfaltering devotion to Henry. Catherine is defined as a code hero because of her honor, courage, and endurance in pain. Honor is defined as having a keen sense of ethical conduct. For Catherine, the ethical conduct is keeping Henry happy, and in doing so, she is keeping herself happy. At first glance, Catherine Barkley appears to be an example of any man’s fantasy girl. She appears as a dull character that asks nothing of Henry and is only there to make him happy. Because of this, it is said that Catherine's character is demeaning to women. Catherine Barkley's basic approach to her relationship with Frederic shows her as being inferior. She appears to gladly accept a lower role in her relationship with Frederic. â€Å"I'll do what you want and say what you want,† she tells him, â€Å"and then I'll be a great success, won't I† (Hemmingway105). Her idea of a successful relationship, and of happiness, is based on making Frederic happy no matter what she has to do. Like the code hero, she handles conflicting needs with grace, giving to both, but shorting none. She uses Henry as a template to fulfill her need for her dead fiance. And because Henry is characterized as unemotional, it is effortless for her to use him as a template to mold him into the man she longs for. She enters the war as a nurse the same time her fiance enters as a soldier, but because he dies she longs for a clutch to keep track of reality. She is always surrounded by wounded soldiers, which does not help her cope with the death of her fiance until Henry comes into her life. His unemotional attitude towards the world provides her with the perfect opportunity bring her fiance back to life—in her mind. In a conversation with Henry, Catherine forces words into his mouth, â€Å"Say, ‘I’ve come back to Catherine in the night’† (30). Henry instinctually repeats as she says without ever questioning her. He even says, â€Å"I thought she was probably a little crazy†¦I did not care what I was getting into† (30). Even though he acknowledges the fact that she might be slightly deranged, he accepts her because he the type of man to gamble. In another instance, Catherine reassures herself that her love will not abandon her again. â€Å"You’re so lovely and sweet. You wouldn’t go away in the night, would you? † (197). Because she loses her love once already, she is unwilling to allow that to happen again. Also, by loving Henry, she saves her from going crazy with grief. When everything is exploding all around them, everything takes on more urgency. In her mind, as well as his, it is normal that she feels so intensely for Henry. And she doesn’t fall apart without him when they are separated, but just keeps on trucking and hoping. She does not need  Henry for anything but love. Although, on the surface, Catherine seems to be the perfect male fantasy, she is in fact quite the opposite. In addition to her honorable acts, she displays courage. Even Ernest Lockridge, author of â€Å"Faithful in Her Fashion: Catherine Barkley, the Invisible Hemingway Heroine† says, â€Å"Catherine frequently displays wit, intelligence, cool irony, and, facing death, she displays dignity and courage—qualities that seems contradictory to the fawning, submissive Catherine† (Lockridge 172). Hemmingway portrays courage in Catherine when she tries to console Henry about her death. â€Å"I’m not brave anymore, darling. I’m all broken. They’ve broken me. I know it now† (Hemmingway 323). Catherine is clearly in fear of death, but she is not trying to run or hide from it. She faces death and tries to console Henry by telling him she is not going to die. After undergoing a caesarian section and giving birth to a stillborn baby boy, Catherine proves just how brave she is. Though she knows she is dying, she still has the dignity and strength to accept such a fate. In face, she finds herself trying to comfort her distraught lover once again. With death approaching, Catherine’s final words to Frederic Henry suggest she possesses some sense or understanding of her own mortality and of what is soon to come. She says, â€Å"I’m not a bit afraid. It’s just a dirty trick† (331). The â€Å"it† Catherine refers to is presumably death, but in fact, the indefinite may be referring to life, a process Catherine views as a â€Å"rotten game† (31), since so much about it is left to chance and death is always the end. Catherine stood brave in the face of a battle with her own body. Like the soldiers, neither her bravery, nor Henry’s love, could save her from death. In Henry’s mind, the death of the soldiers and the death of Catherine are parallel tragedies, which cannot be separated from each other. By weaving the tragedies together, he memorializes both such tragedies, and can perhaps hope to heal a bit of his pain. Critics may argue that Catherine is a clutch for Henry to cope with war, but clearly throughout the novel, Henry is more attached to her than she is to him. Frederic says, â€Å"When I saw her, I was in love with her. Everything turned over inside of me† (Hemmingway 91). He is truly falling in love with her and who she is, but she, on the other hand only loves him for being alive. He is, in fact, her tool to endure the emotional pain for the loss of her fiance. Once again Ernest Lockridge says, â€Å"To preserve her fantasy, Catherine strives to isolate the relationship from others. She speaks Frederic Henry’s name only once†¦by worrying that people will suspect an affair†¦she will not marry Frederic Henry† (Lockridge 174). When Frederic first meets her she laments that she did not marry her fiance before he died. She says that they were engaged for eight years and that they grew up together. She tells Frederic she did not marry her fiance because she thought that it would trap him. She feels she will do the same to Henry. Frederic Henry does want to be married but Catherine thinks this would keep them from being together during the war. When he pressures her, she says, â€Å"We’re really married. I couldn’t be any more married. † She keeps up this attitude until near the end of her pregnancy, when she says, â€Å"I suppose if we have this child, we should really get married† (Hemmingway 115). Frederic says, â€Å"Let’s get married now† (293). But Catherine refuses again and claims to want to wait until after the baby is born. She wants the commitment of marriage, but is very suspicious of it as an institution. Also, Catherine, in her mind, envisions Henry as her dead fiance, so to her she is still completely faithful but in reality, she is with a man that she has not truly come to know. She is at a fragile state where if she acknowledges the death of her fiance, she will be shattered. Her mechanism of coping with the pain of losing a loved one is by replacing him with another body but not in spirit. On a physical sense, she endures pain by being away from Henry as well as the occurrence where she is in labor. While in labor, Catherine is in pain, but she is telling Henry to eat so he is not harmed from hunger. She says, â€Å"That was a very big one. Don’t you worry, darling. You go away. Go have another breakfast† (317). Even with painful contractions, she is more concerned with Henry’s appetite than her own comfort. Catherine has a high endurance for pain, both emotionally and physically. She creates coping mechanisms for both so that she is able to live in reality without seeming insane. Traditionally, Hemingway's heroes are male, and to interpret Catherine as a code hero was inadmissible. Catherine was thought as an undeveloped character in the novel, merely an idealized projection of male desire. Upon closer examination, however, Catherine does share characteristics of the code hero. Hemingway's code hero is a skilled professional. Catherine is a nurse who is skilled in her profession. The code hero lives with courage in a dangerous world. Catherine demonstrates courage when she and Frederic row across the lake to escape into Switzerland, a very dangerous feat, and especially when she tries to deliver their baby, finally realizing that she will die. The code hero also lives in a random universe, but chooses to control himself and endure reality. Catherine cannot control events when she goes into labor, but she endures the pain with dignity until her death. Catherine endures in other ways, as well. She experiences the death of a fiance and faces great fear as an unmarried nurse when she learns she is pregnant. Throughout all of these times, however, Catherine does not feel sorry for herself, and she does not break. Like a code hero, she endures. Works Cited Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to Arms. New York: Scribner, 2003. Print. Lockridge, Ernest. â€Å"Faithful in Her Fashion: Catherine Barkley, the Invisible Hemingway Heroine. † The Journal of Narrative Technique, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Spring 188), pp 170-178